Jun 27Liked by Liisa Kovala

What a great way to get to know you, Christina, for those of us who live far afield from you. I confess I have often been confused by your coaching programs and even your approach to the novel you are writing. Now I'm getting a better understanding, and I'll hope someday we can sit and compare our very different writing worlds.

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Jun 28Liked by Liisa Kovala

Thanks, Judy! I'd like that very much.

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Thanks for this, Christina. I I like the way you address the issues and go into detail about what works for you and what doesn’t. I've been a longform writer for years and would like to transition to shorter work, but I haven't yet gotten used to the start-and-stop of it. I've been thinking about rhythm and pattern in the way we work, and how that varies by project and by where we are in our writing life.

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Jun 25Liked by Liisa Kovala

These are interesting thoughts. I definitely notice my work habits shift when I am working on longer things. There is a different energy around shorter projects—I think both our planning and our intuition work differently, depending on the project length.

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Good article, Christina. The biggest takeaway for me is the notion that I too could create a floating appointment with my writing time. I usually like to write early morning and when life intervenes in a way that I can't, I get irritated. So holding my writing time as a floating appointment is a much better way to go -- after all, my laptop also works in the afternoon, though I've told myself that I'm the most creative in the morning. I may have to re-think that one too. Thanks for some great tips and insights. Much appreciation to Liisa's platform for featuring your writerly insights. I am grateful.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by Liisa Kovala

Thanks, Stephanie! We should have a conversation about writing habits. We all have a lot to learn from each other’s experiences with writing.

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