Hello all,
Welcome to the 14th edition of Women Writing! I don’t know about you, but sometimes I struggle to find time to write. Okay, that’s not exactly true. I have time. She’s there, waiting for me to sit at my desk and join her to create something magical. But, so often I resist. I tell time to sit down, move aside, wait awhile, I’ll be there later. And when I finally grab a coffee and take a seat, she’s very welcoming, as though she’s been waiting this whole time for me to arrive. It’s why I love hearing from fellow authors about their writing practices. This week, I’m delighted to the multi-talented Caroline Topperman. I hope you enjoy this edition of Women Writing.
Caroline Topperman is a European-Canadian writer, entrepreneur, dancer, and world traveler. Born in Sweden, raised in Canada with a recent stint of living in Poland, she holds a BFA in screenwriting. She currently runs Migrations Review, Write, They Said, and is a co-founder of KW Writers Alliance and Mountain Ash Press. Her book, Tell Me What You See, serves as a toolkit for her writing workshops. She has written articles for Huffington Post Canada, Jane Friedman’s blog, was the Beauty Editor for British MODE Magazine, and served as managing editor for NonBinary Review. She is currently working on her next book, The Road to Tang-e Gharu which is about stories, memories, and one of the greatest roads ever built.
“Dig in. Dig Deep. And do not give up. You were made for the whole world of words and books and stories.”
On a writing routine …
This is a tough question. I don't and I do. I find that I have a hard time switching from "work" to writing. I'm not one of those people who can just sit down and start writing. I need time. Also, I used to like writing first thing in the morning but now I find that the words come later at night. So, I try to schedule most of my appointments and meetings earlier in the day. I also, make sure to include some non-negotiable movement in my day. It helps clear my head, and it's a time when I can think about whatever creative project I'm working on.
On writing spaces …
I definitely shift. I write in my media room when I'm researching, and in my office when I need a quiet space. I love my office. It's tiny but filled with books, and I have a vintage Persian rug hanging on the wall. Everything in my office inspires me.
On writing communities …
I don't at the moment. Due to the kind of writing I do, I found that I don't like to have too many opinions. My writing community is very small, just one or two people that I trust.
On challenges …
Of course. Since the work that I find most interesting is a "hard sell" I'm always working against that knowledge. For instance, I already know that it will be hard to sell my current book. So, every time I sit to write, I have to remind myself that I believe it's important work.
On the best writing advice …
Dig in. Dig Deep. And do not give up. You were made for the whole world of words and books and stories.
On the worst writing advice …
Well it wasn't exactly advice but we had to submit a screenplay proposal for 4th year film, and the professor didn't like my story, and rejected me. I am stubborn and wouldn't take no for an answer. I went to the head of the department who, luckily, agreed with me, and we created an independent study class for a few of us.
On advice from personal experiences …
Keep working at it but also find a mentor/editor that you can work with. Then learn as much as you can about the industry because you will need to be your own advocate.
Caroline’s online spaces …
Website: carolinetopperman.com
Press Website: mountainash.press
Instagram: @carolinetopperman
Rekindle Creativity Women’s Writing Retreat
The countdown has begun! Only four weeks until we gather in Muskoka, Ontario for Rekindle Creativity, our women’s writing retreat. Dinah Laprairie and I are excited to welcome everyone to beautiful Huntsville for a memorable writing experience. If you haven’t registered yet, please hop on over to rekindlecreativity.com. There’s still time!
If you’re a teacher, I have something special just for you. Download a free copy of my workbook, Beyond the Blackboard: Empowering Teachers to Write Fiction. Stay tuned for upcoming teacher offerings in Spring 2024 to set you on the path to writing your novel. You have all the skills you need to learn how to write that book you’ve been dreaming about.
Happy writing!
Women Writing is a weekly newsletter featuring women who are doing the difficult work of writing. If you enjoyed reading the newsletter, please share it with a fellow writer. Check out my book coaching services at liisakovalabookcoach.com. Let’s inspire each other!
“So, every time I sit to write, I have to remind myself that I believe it's important work.” Yep. This. Thanks for this series, Liisa!